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Advocating For Mental Heath Month In May

Across the globe every May is dedicated to Mental Health Awareness. It may come as no surprise that the underlying conditions that lead to addiction and alcoholism are often deep rooted in Mental Health Issues in one way or another.

Here is a short recap of the guests we had on the Soberoso™ Podcast during the month of May.


In ep -55 " Addictive Personalities" we take a trip to San Diego, California to have a conversation with with Doctor Jennifer Shaw.

This episode is packed full of good stuff and some new topics we haven't discussed on this show yet like the narcissist.

Jennifer is a doctor with a background in physical therapy and after finishing seven years of schooling and just three weeks into her dream job she was hit by a car while on her bicycle. She was instantly disabled at the young age of 24 and had a long road of recovery ahead of her.

At one point she was taking 30 prescribed pills a day to cope with the chronic pain, nerve damage etc. Her Doctors told her she would be dependent on these meds for the rest of her life but Jen had different ideas.

She was challenged by someone she trusted to go for six months without drinking or getting involved in a relationship to find true healing for herself.

This was the start in Jennifer's journey of living a clean and sober life and she openly shares her story with us.

May is Mental Health Month and in this episode Dora shares her experience with anxiety and depression and how it relates to many alcoholics and addicts' histories.

She shares how hindsight is 20/20 and how she used to need a drink at a certain point every day to take the edge off and how it wasn’t until starting her journey in sobriety that she understood and realized that alcohol is a depressant.

She talks about the fact that addiction and alcoholism are but symptoms of underlying causes and conditions and those underlying causes and conditions are often mental health issues.

Dora also shares 10 signs and symptoms to be aware of that may indicate an issue with Mental Health and how being open and honest with your Doctor about your recovery is the best way to safeguard your sobriety and not ending up with habit forming or addictive prescriptions.

Depression, anxiety, PTSD and other trauma related scenarios are just some of the issues we deal with and even self medicate over. Let's break down these stigmas together by talking about these things without shame or guilt.

ep-57 with Corey Harrington joining us from Palm Springs "A Ten Year Secret Addiction"

If you are an old timer in recovery, a newcomer, sober curious or a loved one of someone who struggles with alcoholism, addiction or mental health issues this show is for you.

In this episode we talk with Corey about his ten year secret opioid addiction that was tearing him apart inside and out.

He kept the secret to himself for years trying to find the words to tell his wife who lay in bed beside him unaware of his secret addiction.

Corey was a pro baseball player and became addicted to his prescribed meds for a shoulder injury. On the outside he had it all together and nothing in his past would ever lead anyone close to even consider that he was abusing his prescription.

He tells us the moment you can’t look yourself in the mirror is a definite red flag that you have crossed the line into addiction.

ep-58 with Natalie Vecchione in North Carolina "Drinking During Pregnancy and FASD"

We are going to be having a lot of laughs and also covering some serious topics in this episode with our special guest and fellow podcaster Natalie who built her family through adopting.

She is a woman advocating for FASD with 19 years of experience raising a child with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

She describes so eloquently how by losing a lot we also gain a lot. She is a woman on a mission to inform and encourage other parents who may be in similar situations while educating on the importance of not drinking during pregnancy.

With a background in substance abuse counseling and prior work with Vietnam Vets and growing up in a family where alcohol consumption was the norm Natalie is a wealth of knowledge on these topics.

Every Tuesday we publish a brand new episode that you can listen to any time of the day on these podcast platforms listed here.

If you are enjoying the show please tap the SUBSCRIBE button wherever you listen to the podcast (free) .

This helps the show reach more people who are looking for topics on alcoholism, mental health issues and addiction.

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